Who We Are – Our Story

ImageOur story originates in a remote Mexican mountain village, when our chief creative director lent her last $100 to a stranger. His desperation, and her naivety, unknowingly conceived the moment Zahara Jewellery would be brought to life. This stranger would later lead to the contacts with whom she would begin her jewellery study, and whom would eventually become the first silversmiths to create Zahara jewellery designs.

From our very beginnings, the desire to create a wholly unique product meant involvement with the grassroots at each individual level of its creation. Hence, our creative director traveled from the jeweler’s workbench in Mexico, to the stone cutter’s mine in Brazil, India, Mexico, and Africa. Consequently, she was building an understanding of the marriage between gemstone and precious metal, and the capabilities of each in the creation of our jewellery designs. The production of our pieces using varying jeweler’s techniques, as well as our uniquely distinguishable quality of gemstone, quickly created a distinctively recognizable line of jewellery. Since our humble beginnings in 2006, Zahara jewellery has cultivated itself from a small market table, to the branded line of jewellery we have today. However, our basic principles of uniqueness and quality remain constant.

Our dedication to excellence and exclusivity still directs us to the source of each of our materials, and we continue to be at the forefront of the formation of each of our designs. Lastly, we cannot go without including those individuals, whether past or present, whose inspiration, motivation, knowledge, and hard work, continue to provide us with the tools to revolutionize Zahara into what it is, and has yet to become. Without you, our story would not be what it is today, nor what it is yet to become.